Seriously Useful Stuff

A collection of all the useful stuff we create to help demystify Security for startups & scaleups

A Slightly Different Guide to ISO 27001

(Nearly) Everything Startups & Scaleups Need to Know About Getting Certified

A practical guide that covers everything from "help, what is this thing?" all the way through to "right, how do we make this actually work?"

It's written for both the person who just had to mute themselves on a sales call to Google what ISO 27001 is, and the battle-hardened Ops-by-day, ISMS manager-by-night who's tired of managing it all in spreadsheets.

As consultants who’ve helped quite a few companies through certification (and seen approximately 742 ways to overcomplicate it), we wanted to write something that:

  • Explains ISO 27001 without the usual consulting waffle

  • Addresses the real reasons companies get certified (beyond the official ones)

  • Debunks common myths (like needing to be enterprise-sized or drowning in documentation)

  • Shows how to avoid the classic pitfalls (we've made enough mistakes so you don't have to)

  • Actually helps you build something that works (rather than just ticking boxes)

Surviving Your ISO 27001 Certification Audit

A complete guide to how the certification process works, and how to survive it!

Coming soon!

(Bet you can’t wait.)