Tom Gell Tom Gell

A Practical Guide to Building an ISMS That Actually Works

The Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). Everyone talks about them like they're some mystical creation that requires sacrificing your firstborn developer and performing complex rituals with your network cables at midnight.

They're not.

An ISMS is simply a fancy way of saying "how we make and keep our stuff secure without driving everyone mad in the process."

And while that might not sound as impressive at dinner parties, it's a lot more useful.

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Tom Gell Tom Gell

The Real Reasons Companies Get ISO 27001 Certified (It's Not Just for the Badge)

Let's be honest - nobody wakes up one morning and thinks, "You know what would be fun? Getting ISO 27001 certified!" Usually, it starts with that awkward moment in a sales call when a dream client asks about your security certifications, and you have to pretend your video froze while frantically Googling what ISO 27001 even means.

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Tom Gell Tom Gell

The ISO 27001 Audit Process: A Surprisingly Un-Terrifying Guide

Most people imagine ISO audits involve stern-faced professionals in grey suits tutting at your password policy while secretly judging your coffee choice.

The reality? Less dramatic, more constructive, and you can keep your oat milk latte.

Let me walk you through what actually happens.

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